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UCP Charter Schools is a network of public tuition-free charter schools throughout Central Florida.   We provide an inclusive school environment geared towards the success of all students.   A key part of developing our successful programs has been our collaborative partnerships with outside providers that help us support the need of our students.



Info Session


Mark Your Calendars!

We’re excited to share that we will be hosting a series of information sessions to guide you through the application process for the 2025-2026 school year. ā€‹To secure your spot in a training session, please sign up by May 1, 2025


Applications officially open on May 1, 2025! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

How to Become a UCP Outside Care Provider/Private Instructional Personnel

Please read steps 1-4 before beginning the process

Providers must submit documents every year for approval.

Approvals last for 1 school year including summer (August to August).

Applications for a new school year can be submitted starting in June prior to start of new school year.

Approval process may take up to 30 days.

If you are a new provider or agency interested in providing services with UCP of Central Florida, please complete the Provider Profile Form.

If you are an existing agency or provider with a change in email, or phone number, please complete the Provider Profile Form.

Step 1:  Watch OCP orientation video and download certificate

Step 2: Apply Vendor Badge

Please use the links below and follow the instructions. This must be a contact vendor badge. We DO NOT accept a state vendor badge.


The badge must be issued by the school district of the potential campus you will be working at. If you have a badge from another district, check with the potential school district to see if they accept clearance from another school district. If they do, follow their procedures to obtain their district contact badge. 


Each school district has different expiration dates for their badge(s). It is the provider’s responsibility to renew to prevent interruption of services.

Please click on the applicable county button below to follow badge instructions.


Vendors will need to email the Osceola County Schools Fingerprinting Department for their secure OneDrive link and for fingerprinting payment instructions/ paperwork. The district coordinates all background screenings / distribution of vendor badges. Email:

Step 3: Gather Documents

Documents are to be submitted by Agency Administrators only.

  1. Copy of student contact Vendor Badge (front and back)

  2. Copy of Orientation Certificate

  3. Copy of Professional License or Certification (Health professional, SLP, OT, PT, Behavioral Health)ā€‹
  4. UCP must be listed as additionally insured or certificate holder.

    • $1,000,000/$3,000,000 coverage limit.

  5. Copy of signed Parent Authorization OCP/PIP (Licensed health care professionals, certified nursing assistants, and health aides delivering personal care chapter 464) Form – Click Here ā€‹

  6. Copy of Schedule and Information form - Click Here

  7. OCP/PIP Personnel File Checklist HERE

Step 4: Submit Documents

Documents dropped off at campuses or emailed WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED

Watch the information session below for how to be approved as a UCP Outside Care Provider and upload your required documents

To access the Google Drive documents after you watch the video, submit a form request HERE

Following Document Submission

Once all the above documentation is verified – a “DocuSign – OCP/PIP Agreement” will be sent.

  • Due to the volume of providers requesting to be Outside Care Providers with UCP, we reserve a 30-day window from submission to provide a Docu-sign agreement. For this reason, we encourage agencies and businesses to submit provider documents in the spring before the next school year.

  • After receipt of the signed DocuSign – OCP/PIP will receive a “Confirmation to Provide Services” e-mail and may proceed to set up the introduction meeting with the school principal.

  • You must meet with the principal and/or behavior team before beginning services on the campus. 

  • Documents dropped off at campuses WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

  • We strive to provide a timely review of documents so that our students can receive additional support. Adherence to these guidelines ensures a quick process.

Any questions can be directed to


UCP Charter Schools follow the protocols and policy required by state statute on the use of Outside Care Providers (OCPs)/Private Instructional Personnel (PIP) requested by parents and guardians to supplement a student’s educational, medical, and/or behavior services in a public school during the school year including observing the student in the educational setting, collaborating with instructional personnel in the educational setting, and providing services in the educational setting according to the following requirements:


  • The student’s OCP/private instructional personnel and principal/designee consent to the time and place

  • The OCP/private instructional personnel satisfy the requirements of s.1012.32 or s.1012.321

For the purpose of this Policy, the term OCP/PIP means:

  1. Individuals certified under s.393.17 or licensed under chapter 490 or chapter 491 for applied behavior analysis as defined in ss.627.6686 and 641.31098

  2. Speech-language pathologists licensed under s.468.1185

  3. Occupational therapists licensed under part III of chapter 468

  4. Physical therapists licensed under chapter 486

  5. Psychologists licensed under chapter 490

  6. Clinical social workers licensed under chapter 491

  7. Effective 7/1/2022 – Registered Behavior Technicians

  8. Licensed health care professionals, certified nursing assistants, and health aides delivering personal care chapter 464


Each Outside Care Provider goes through a local school district approval as a contact vendor and meets with the campus Principal prior to providing on-campus services. As vendors, they provide services deemed as a medical necessity by the related insurance carrier and services are focused on increasing opportunities for personal and educational growth by matching student needs with the approved services.


NOTE: UCP does not allow for the use of teletherapy or tele supervision by outside care providers in any medium on campuses. This includes before and after care.

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