UCP Charter Schools create learning plans that are free from some of the typical limitations that are inherent in the traditional public-school experience. We are able to do so by creating learning plans that are built for each student on an individual level, increase the size of our instructional staff (lower the student-to-teacher ratio), and maximize teaching and learning experiences for all our charter students.
One of the ways that we maximize the learning experiences in our charter school classrooms is by utilizing project-based learning in support of science education using technology and arts through mathematics (STEAM). The introduction of technology into the curriculum helps the students interact with the lessons that they are learning in the classrooms. In some cases, this is done so through grants that allow us to implement a 1:1 iPad-to-student program in some of our charter schools. In other cases, it may be interactive smart boards that allow the teachers and students to interact with their lessons as they go along. The other key resource that we use to create a better foundation of learning is the integration of arts into the classroom. Our arts-integration team works collaboratively with our instructors to find interesting ways to use multiple senses to learn and engage with the material.
While our methods of instruction may look different from the traditional elementary experience, we are responsible for meeting the same state and federal learning standards as public schools. Our teaching staff monitors our students’ learning and they ensure that they are preparing our students for the next step in their education.
Some curriculum that we use to meet state and federal learning standards:
Go Math
Dreambox Math
Guided Reading
Fusion Science
Unique Learning System
Pathways to Literacy
ELSB (Early Literacy Skill Builder)
Handwriting without Tears
Write Crate
Fast ForWord
The mission of UCP Charter Schools is to personalize education for all learners. The framework of Multi-Tiered Support Services (MTSS) is used across schools. The Multi-Tiered Support Services Family brochure will give detailed information related to MTSS and the applicable processes for UCP Charter Schools